Account Claim Process
Terms and Conditions
Please read and agree to the following policies to continue claiming your account.
The Information Technology ("IT") resources and services of Fordham University (the "University") are offered primarily to facilitate the University's academic, research, and business purposes. This Agreement applies to all individuals who access any of the University's IT resources and systems which include any computing, electronic, network, or print resources regardless of your affiliation with the University (employee, faculty, student, alumnus, contractor, vendor, guest, etc.).
Please read all sections of this Agreement in addition to the University's Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy Statement (the "IT Statement") at If you have any questions regarding this Agreement or your use of any of the University's IT resources, please contact your supervisor, manager, dean, alumni coordinator, or authorized account sponsor.
In consideration of the privilege of accessing and using University IT resources and services, you are expected to comply fully with the standards and responsibilities of acceptable use as outlined in all applicable provisions of the IT Statement, the University Code of Conduct, employee handbooks and agreements, student handbooks, alumni guidelines, and other policies and procedures established by the undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools of the University. In addition, you acknowledge and agree as follows:
- You acknowledge:
- That the University may, at any time, monitor and audit use of any IT system or resource.
- That unauthorized disclosure or access to IT resources, systems, or the information contained therein, may violate state and federal laws and cause irreparable injury to the University, and may result in disciplinary and/or legal action being taken against you.
- That much of the information found or disclosed via the University IT services may be of a private or confidential nature.
- You agree:
- Not to disclose any private or confidential information without appropriate authorization.
- Not to access or use the University IT resources and services in a way that interrupts, interferes with, or conflicts with the purposes stated herein or those found in the IT Statement.
- Not to violate any licensing terms related to any software that you use at or through the University's IT resources or systems.
- Not to reveal to anyone your access identification and/or password to any University IT system or resource and to take all reasonable measures to prevent such disclosure.
- To immediately change said password and report the incident to the appropriate supervisor, manager, dean, alumni coordinator, or authorized account sponsor if you have any reason to believe that your password has been disclosed or otherwise compromised.
- To respect authorial integrity and the intellectual property rights of others while using the University's IT systems and resources.
- To prevent and report to the University or the appropriate IT administrator viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other malware that infect computer systems if and when found on or within the University's IT systems or resources.
- To properly back up appropriate systems, software, and data, including those which reside on any system you use to access the University's IT systems or resources.
By clicking accept below, you are agreeing and acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree with this Agreement, its constituent parts, and the University's Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy Statement.